lockdown phase 2…

Well, we are off again. Strange times we live in. We have to make the best of it and I suppose in one sense, it gives us that little bit of time to catch up with things we have neglected. In my case, this website. I began this morning after coffee, I was quite surprised to find things on my website for sale, that I don’t sell, so if any of you have also found sunglasses and leather bags, and cups (!) amongst other things for sale, it’s some sort of glitch that I am trying to sort out. Its very new to me this website lark, I have found it a useful way to showcase what I have in the shop for online purchases, but its a slow process and those of you who have been in my shop, know it doesn’t even begin to describe the different stock that I keep. I will persevere and probably annoy my daughter Hannah no end as I ring her pleading for her magic touch!

I was lucky enough to be featured in the Northumberland Gazette this week as one of Coquetdales Creative Folk. Katie Scott managed to sum up my life journey in 500 words, so kudos to her writing skills. It was enjoyable discussing how I got to be here in my little shop from all the other parallel lives I have led. If you are looking to shop more locally this Christmas, there is a new group site on Facebook which features all local shops in Northumberland and showcases their lovely things, many of them hand made. If you search for *NORTHUMBERLAND* it should be there somewhere…….

I find that creativity in all its forms is an excellent way to focus on something which gives you joy, isn’t involved with covid and lets you breathe, in other words, its good for your soul. The nice thing about lockdown, is you don’t have to feel guilty about doing it either, we are all so busy in our normal lives we forget to take time for ourselves and this is a nice way to reconcile spending time on our hobbies and creative pastimes when we have no choice but to stay indoors. Well, I am making the excuses that I used to make when I was at university and I had an essay looming, there is always something else to do than pull myself into what actually needs doing….in this case, back to my website… please be patient with me, it is up and running and you can order from it successfully, I just haven’t quite got the hang of organising it so it behaves itself!! Wish me luck!!


Happy New Year


Chill in the Air…