Sashiko Tote Bag Kit


Everything you need to make a stylish Sashiko Embroidered Tote Bag. 100% cotton fabric, 1 x 4 inch Seigaiha Template, 40m Sashiko embroidery thread, 1 set of needles and Fabric Pencil.

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Everything you need to make a stylish Sashiko Embroidered Tote Bag. 100% cotton fabric, 1 x 4 inch Seigaiha Template, 40m Sashiko embroidery thread, 1 set of needles and Fabric Pencil.

Everything you need to make a stylish Sashiko Embroidered Tote Bag. 100% cotton fabric, 1 x 4 inch Seigaiha Template, 40m Sashiko embroidery thread, 1 set of needles and Fabric Pencil.